We can provide translations of the well-known ComText-quality at extremely competitive prices and with faster delivery times than any other professional agency.
We do of course translate all major languages such as English, German, Spanish and French – but in fact as a professional translation agency, we can do much more than that. We perform professional translations to and from ALL LANGUAGES – so if you need more than just an English or German translation Comtext A/S will be your natural business partner.
We can solve translation tasks in almost every IT application and format, e.g. we are able to solve tasks supplied in InDesign and Language Manager and we can also offer to put a translated website text directly onto your website.
We are working tirelessly on optimising and maintaining our organisation to provide the most competitive prices and the highest linguistic quality.
At ComText, we are proud to be able to say that we have some of Denmark's leading translators working on English and German translations. We translate to and from all languages, but it is important for our customers that our English and German translations are first class.
At ComText, we often solve translation tasks while everybody else is on vacation. This means, amongst other things, that we are open between Christmas and New Year and even throughout the entire summer.
We’re proud to offer high quality translations
of all types at competitive rates.
All quotes are free of charge and with no obligation.
Send us your material and we will get back to you immediately with a quote.
At ComText, we are proud to be able to say that we have some of Denmark’s leading translators working on English and German translations. We translate to and from all languages, but it is important for our customers that our English and German translations are first class.
We work tirelessly to maintain and optimise our organisation to offer the most competitive rates and the highest quality in our translations.
This is why ComText is known for its great translations and competitive prices. We’re also faster than any other professional bureau.
We’d like to extend this offer to you as well. We offer translations of all kinds of texts in any language combination – fast, accurately and at competitive prices.
Naturally, we also offer certified translations, which are done by our team of translators. We have a great number of clients with specific needs for translations in the commercial, technical and legal field.
We do of course translate all major languages such as English, German, Spanish and French – but in fact as a professional translation agency, we can do much more than that. We perform professional translations to and from ALL LANGUAGES – so if you need more than just an English or German translation ComText A/S will be your natural business partner.
We work with almost all IT programmes and formats, among others InDesign and Language Manager, and can even offer to put a translated website directly onto your website.
At ComText we operate even when everyone else is on vacation. Among others, we’re open between Christmas and New Year’s Eve, just like we’re open throughout the summer.
We are proud to offer high quality translations of all types at competitive rates.
All quotes are free of charge and with no obligation. Send us your material and we will get back to you immediately with a quote.
At ComText we work diligently to provide the best customer care, translation quality, delivery time as well as price. That is why our clients are very loyal.
We work with InDesign and almost all other IT programmes.
References are available upon request.
*Receive quote within 1 hour during office hours!
We’re always here!